Red Wine in Your Wine Cellar – a Great Cooking Ingredient

A very tasteful dish awaits those who know how to cook with wine. The reason wine works well as a cooking ingredient is its complex flavors and aromas. It enhances and intensifies the flavor of food. Wine can be used as a marinade, as a flavoring in a finished dish and as a cooking liquid.

Cooking with Red Wine
Red Wine Enhances and Intensifies the Flavor of Food

Red wine is very popular, not only because of its distinct flavor and health benefits, but for its usefulness in cooking as well.  If done properly, red wine can make any dish more delicious. Grab a red wine from your wine cellar and search the internet for red wine recipes to make your dinner a tasteful one. Just make sure that you like the taste of the red wine that you will use in the dish.

Red Wine as a Cooking Ingredient
Red Wine can Make Any Dish More Delicious

In the process of choosing which red wine is suitable for a certain dish, there are basic principles or guidelines to be followed. One factor to consider is the acidity of both the wine and the dish. Acidic wines should be used in cooking acidic dishes. To avoid discoloration due to acid, make sure that you use nonreactive skillets and pans when cooking with wine.

Tannin, which is the astringent after-taste of wine, is another thing to take into account. Since red wines have more tannins than whites, they are the most suitable ingredient for meat dishes.

Another factor to consider when choosing a red wine as an ingredient is its sugar content. The sugar intensifies as the wine boils.

It is always a good idea to taste a bit of the wine before adding it to your dish. If you think that it won’t complement your food, try another red wine stored in your custom wine cellar. You should also be careful of how much wine you will use to avoid overpowering your dish.

For vegetarian or beef based spaghetti sauces, the best red wines to use are Cabernet Sauvignon, Bordeaux, Merlot and Shiraz. Full-bodied red wines such as Merlot and Zinfandel are recommended for red meat dishes. In using dry red wine as a cooking ingredient, you have to take into account the heartiness of the dish.

Tantalize your taste buds with a dish cooked with red wine. Adding wines to recipes needs skill and knowledge, but the more you experiment the more skill and knowledge you acquire!