How to Make Use of Leftover Wine – Florida Wine Cellars

Wine is always an important part of an occasion, especially in Florida. It is best to consume the whole bottle within several hours after it is opened. However, it is not always possible. It is unavoidable to leave a bottle of wine half empty. What are the things that you can do to make use of leftover wine?

It is not advisable to return bottles of leftover wine back into your Florida wine cellar or wine cabinet, no matter how controlled the humidity and temperatures are.


Below are the uses of unfinished bottle of wine from your Florida Wine Cellar:


Cook it 

It is said by chefs and cooking enthusiasts to use wine that you would drink for cooking. Wines specifically labeled for cooking are usually bad wine with a high salt content. Being so, they could affect the flavor of the dishes.

I usually use wine on my dishes and am happy to say I was able to impress my guests! Do you know that wine can also substitute fat in many recipes? One example is by sauteing veggies in oil (a smaller amount than usual) and some wine.



WINE MARINADELeftover wine can be used for marinating meat. This adds moisture and flavor to the meat and also tenderizes the meat. You should be cautious when marinating with wine. It is not advisable to use a large amount of wine for marinating. This will avoid being overwhelmed by the additional flavor. This is especially true if there are children who will partake of the marinated meal.

Frozen Wine Cubes 


Another use for leftover wine which amazed me is freezing it-not only for drinking, but also for cooking! The freezing temperature prevents the wine from spoiling. Thus, one or two cubes can be added to flavor soups, sauteed vegetables, stew, and other dishes. This is one unique way of playing with a recipe for a unique twist.

 You can even use frozen wine ice cubes to deglaze a pan. Next time you have an unfinished bottle of wine, pull out an ice tray and make some wine cubes! I did that many times and enjoyed using the wine cubes to make delectable sauces!

Ferment to vinegar 

Leftover wine can be fermented into vinegar. Wine becomes more acidic the longer it stays stored in the wine cellar or wine cabinet. It has natural properties that can transform into vinegar after a certain procedure was undergone.

Wash fruits and vegetables 

Leftover wine can be used to clean fruits and vegetables. Its acidic properties work in removing dirt and bacteria found in produce. A small amount can be added to the water that will be used for washing the fruits and vegetables. Soak them for a few minutes for better results.


Soothe Your Skin          


Many people don’t know that leftover wine may be used to soothe skin! You can pour leftover wine in a tubful of warm water and enjoy its soothing and calming effects.

I have dry skin so I followed a recipe on the internet for making homemade toner. I mixed 3 tablespoons of sweet red wine with 1 tablespoon of honey and 1/2 tablespoon of aloe vera gel. After applying the mixture to my face and neck and rinsing after 10 minutes, I felt the smoothness of my skin! It’s a wonderful way to use left over wine, isn’t it?

Leftover wine need not go to waste as it can be used in different and unique ways. After hosting a wine tasting party in your Florida custom wine cellar, make sure that you don’t get rid of the leftover wine. You can search the web to find more tips or experiment yourself.

If you’re a wine collector who is looking for a professional team to design and install your wine cellar, contact Wine Cellar International. We can help you create your dream custom wine cellar! Click here to complete our Florida Custom Wine Cellars No Obligation Design Consultation Request or call us at +1 (954) 630-5866.